Silly Stories for Kids

💥❓ Whats In the Box❓💥

Samuel Ramsden

🎉 Get ready for a wild adventure with Amelia, Finn, and Sully! 🚀 When Teddy Winkle the teddy bear delivers a mysterious package 📦, curiosity takes over! But uh-oh… it’s a trick from the mischievous Pimpin! 🤪

✨ A glitter explosion turns his room into a sparkly mess 🌟, and the kids must use teleportation chalk 🌀 to escape! Their journey takes them to a camel party 🐫🎉 in the middle of the desert—will they make it back in time? ⏳

Tune in for laughter, surprises, and pure chaos! 😂🎧

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Speaker 1:

One day three little kids named Amelia, finn and Sully were all at their house. Now they had been sitting at home for a while when all of a sudden they heard a noise outside. Um, I think it's this one who said that, said Amelia, hang on, I'll knock on the door. All of a sudden, they heard a knocking at their front door. Knock, knock, knock. Amelia, finn and Sully all raced on the door. All of a sudden, they heard a knocking at their front door. Knock, knock, knock. Amelia, finn and Sully all raced towards the door. When they opened it, standing outside was a teddy bear. Hello, said the teddy bear. Who are you? Said Amelia?

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My name is Teddy Winkle and I had a very special note in my letterbox that said to come to your house. Um, why, said Amelia? I think there's some kind of package here that's for me. Oh, okay, said Finn, let's have a look. So they started looking around the house to try and find the package that Teddy Winkle was talking about. As they looked in each of the rooms, eventually they ended up in the toy room, and in the centre of their toy room was a very big package and it had a note on top. Where did that come from, said Amelia. I have no idea, said Finn Me either, said Teddy Winkle. But let's read the note.

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So Teddy Winkle walked over and picked up the note. Dear Teddy Winkle, I thought that your day seemed very, very boring so I decided to create some excitement Inside. This package is something that will go bang very, very soon. I hope that you enjoy it. Ps, make sure you have it somewhere that won't makea very big mess From Pimpin. Pimpin oh no, said Teddy Winkle. Who's Pimpin? Said Amelia. He is a very cheeky, purple, fluffy creature and we are in big trouble if this presents from Pim Pim. Why is that? Said Finn? Because Pim Pim's nuts. He does all kinds of ridiculous things. Anything could be inside of this thing. Quick, let's try and get it open and have a look.

Speaker 1:

So Teddy Winkle, amelia, finn and Sully all tried to open the package. As they tried and they tried, they couldn't get any part of it open until all of a sudden, a little thing popped out the top. It's another note. Teddy Winkle picked up the second note and had a look. Pps, don't try and open the box or else it will get very, very, very messy.

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From Pimpin, oh dear, said Teddy Winkle, we are in big trouble. We've got to get this out of here or else your house is going to get destroyed. Okay, said the kids. Um, we can carry it together. Where are we going to take it? Maybe if we just get it out the front, that might work. Okay, said the kids. So they all picked up the box together and carried it out the front door.

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When they got outside, something very strange was happening. There was a giant parade that was coming down the middle of their street. People had arrived everywhere. They were all watching the big, flashy parade. Oh no, said Teddy Winkle, we can't leave it here. It'll make a big mess of the parade. We've got to try and get it away from here. But how are we going to get it away, said the kids? It's very heavy.

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Teddy Winkle looked across and one of the people in the parade was driving a funny little truck that was empty on the back. Hey, mate, yelled out Teddy Winkle. Yeah, yelled the man in the little truck. Any chance we can borrow your truck? I don't see why not. Here you go. The man jumped out of the truck and threw Teddy Winkle the keys. Quick, kids, load up the package. All right, they said. So they picked up the box and carried it to the little funny truck, they popped it on the back and then they all climbed inside.

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I don't want to take this. There's a footy oval near here. If we go there it'll be empty and we can put it in the middle and then when the big mess comes, it'll be fine. Okay, said the kids. So they drove the little funny truck past a lot of houses, around a few different streets until they arrived at the footy oval.

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But something was happening today. A carnival, said teddy winkle. Why is there a carnival at the footy oval? But something was happening today. A carnival, said Teddy Winkle. Why is there a carnival at the footy oval? I don't know, said Finn. But that looks like fun. Can we go play? Yes, said Amelia, let's go play at the carnival. What about the package? Oh yeah, we forgot about that.

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Sully was sitting on top of the package pretending to do the drums. Hey, that kid's got some rhythm. Ah, but we've got to get this out of here. I don't know where to go. Actually, I've got this, said Teddy Winkle. He pulled something out of his pocket. What's that? Said Finn.

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It's called teleporting chalk. If we draw a little circle, we'll be able to drive the truck through the middle of it. I know, let's take it to the desert. If we all think about the desert when we drive through the chalk circle, we'll be able to drive the truck through the middle of it. I know, let's take it to the desert. If we all think about the desert when we drive through the chalk circle, we'll be able to get it to the middle of the desert. Then, when it goes bang and makes its big mess everywhere, it won't matter too much because there won't be people around. Okay, said Amelia. Good idea, said Finn, let's do it. All right, hang on.

Speaker 1:

Teddy Winkle went over to a brick wall and he drew a big circle, big enough for the car to drive through. All right, kids, now remember, we all need to think about the desert as we go through the big hole. Okay, said Finn. So as they drove, they all thought very carefully about the desert and the truck drove through. When it came out on the other side, they were in the middle of a big sandy desert. We made it, said Teddy Winkle. But what are all those? Said Amelia.

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The kids looked around. They were surrounded by thousands and thousands of camels. Now, instead of being normal camels doing normal camel things. All these camels were on their back legs dancing, there was lots of flashing lights and there was loud music.

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Um, what's going on here? Said Teddy Winkle. One of the camels came over. How did you get to the camel party? The camel party, yeah, it's a very special dance party that we have once a year in a secret location. How did you know about this?

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Um, I don't know, said Teddy Winkle. I didn't mean to come here. Hang on, we'll try and get out of here. Uh-oh, said Amelia, what do you mean? Uh-oh, said Finn, it looks like the truck is stuck. The sand's too deep, it won't move anymore. Oh, no, said Teddy Winkle, we're gonna have to lift that box up. What's in that box? Said one of the camels? Well, said Teddy Winkle. I have a very naughty friend named Pimpin who likes to do very silly jokes, and he's given us this very special box and said that when it goes bang, there's going to be a big mess, which means we're in big trouble Because it's going to make the biggest mess you've ever seen and it will take so long to clean up. So we're trying to get it somewhere safe. Okay, said the camel, I can help you carry it. Really, said Teddy Winkle, truck it on, said the camel. So the kids and Teddy Winkle lifted the big box up onto the camel's back. Then each of the kids climbed on a different camel and Teddy Winkle sat on a different one. Where are we going to go? Um, is there any open spaces near here? My chalk's run out. Um, well, there is the oasis. It's pretty empty at the moment because everyone's at the camel party. All right, let's go there.

Speaker 1:

So the kids, their camels, teddy Winkle and the big package all walked through the desert. As they were walking, teddy Winkle started to hear something. Hey, can you guys hear that? Um, yes, that sounds like ticking, said one of the kids. Yeah, we must be getting pretty close to the time when this thing's going to make a lot of mess. Oh, dear, said the camel, luckily we're almost at the oasis. As they continued to walk along, they were almost at the oasis when they could hear a whole bunch of noise. What is that, said the camel. I don't know, said Teddy Winkle. But it doesn't sound like this oasis is empty. Oh, dear, said the camel.

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The kids and Teddy Winkle and the camels got closer and closer and when they arrived, for some reason, at the oasis there was a whole bunch of monkeys that were having a big party. What are you doing here, said the camel. Um, well, said one of the monkeys, when you camels are off at your camel party, we take over the oasis and have a monkey party. Oh dear, said Teddy Winkle. Um, but for some reason one of the decorations has gone a bit weird. Every time we draw a circle it seems to send people to different places. That's teleporting chalk. Um, can I borrow that, said Teddy Winkle. Um sure, said the monkey. So Teddy Winkle grabbed the teleporting chalk. Then he had an idea. I know what to do. All right, kids, grab that box. The kids lifted the box off the back of the camel. Thank you, mrs Camel. We really appreciate your help. Anytime, said the camel as she walked back off towards the party.

Speaker 1:

Where are we going to take this thing? Teddy Winkle asked Amelia. Well, I had a great idea. If this box is going to make a big mess and Pim Pim sent it to us so that we would make the big mess and we would get in trouble, why don't we take it to Pim Pim's house? That is a good idea, said Finn. All right, I'll draw the circle, and then you kids, you all need to think about Pim Pim's house as we walk through. Okay, okay, said the kids. So Teddy Winkle drew a circle on a big that was on the ground. All right, everybody, hold the present and we'll all jump in. At the count of three Ready One, two, three.

Speaker 1:

All the kids and Teddy Winkle jumped and they went straight through, thinking about Pim Pim's house. They landed on the floor in a funny-looking bedroom. Hello, said a voice. Pim Pim stuck his head up from behind his bed. Teddy Winkle, what are you doing here? Well, said Teddy Winkle, what are you doing here? Well, said Teddy Winkle. Recognize this.

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The kids and Teddy Winkle all lifted up the big box. Uh-oh, said Pim Pim Big. Uh-oh, said Teddy Winkle. And by the sounds of it it's almost time. Take cover, yelled Pimpin. And then the box exploded into a giant mess, pimpin, said Teddy Winkle. Hello, said Pimpin, sticking his head up from behind the bed. You didn't manage to hide, did you? No, said Pimpin.

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As they looked, they realised that inside the exploding box was glitter and confetti. Everything in Pimpin's room was completely covered in glitter and confetti. Pimpin was completely covered in glitter and confetti. Teddy Winkle's bottom was even covered in glitter and confetti. What's going on? Said Teddy Winkle? I thought it would be fun to send a big glitter explosion to you and you could get completely covered in glitter and confetti. What's going on? Said Teddy Winkle? I thought it would be fun to send a big glitter explosion to you and you could get completely covered in glitter and confetti, but it seems to have backfired. Look at my room. It is very sparkly and very party. Maybe I like this. This could be fun.

Speaker 1:

The kids looked out from where they were hiding. There was glitter and confetti everywhere. Just then they heard a voice from downstairs Pim-pim. Uh-oh, said Pim-pim. What do you mean? Uh-oh, said Teddy Winkle. I think my mummy is coming up here. They could hear the noise coming up the stairs and as Pim-pim's mummy opened the door, she looked inside, pim-pim. She said what did you do to this room? Um, it was Teddy Winkle. Well, it wasn't really me, said Teddy Winkle.

Speaker 1:

Pim-pim sent us this box full of glitter and confetti and I returned it to him and it seems to have gone off in his bedroom. Look, he turned around and showed Pim-Pim's mummy his bottom, my bottom's, covered in glitter. Pim-pim's mother looked at Pim-Pim. Pim-pim is covered in glitter. Pimpim's mother looked at Pimpim. Pimpim, you are in big trouble, you naughty little boy. I'm going to give you 300 smacks on the bottom. No, said Pimpim. He started trying to run away and Pimpim's mummy was chasing Pimpim all around the room. No, don't get me, I will hide behind here. Pimpim tried to dive behind the bed. Come back here, pimpim.

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The kids were laughing as they watched Pimpin's mummy chasing him all over the place. When she finally caught him, amelia said are you really going to give him 10,000 smacks on the bottom? No, said Pimpin's mother. But it's funny to say All right, pimpin, you've got to clean up this entire room. Oh, no, that will take forever, said Pimpin. No, that will take forever, said Bim Bim. Yes, it will, and hopefully you'll learn your lesson while you're going. Oh, okay, next time I will make sure that I send the box with a shorter time so that it goes off next to Teddy Winkle. Hey, bim Bim, hee, hee. Anybody want to help me clean my room?

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The kids looked around. They saw the glitter covering absolutely everything. Um, we might leave this one to you, said Finn. Yes, said Amelia, have fun. Hey, teddy Winkle, you got any of that chalk left? I do.

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Teddy Winkle drew a circle on the ground. Our house, said Amelia, as they all jumped through. I'm coming too, said Pimpin Quick rub it out as they went through the chalk circle. They rubbed it out with their hands. Pimpin Quick rub it out. As they went through the chalk circle. They rubbed it out with their hands. Pimpin landed on the ground. Oh dear Alright, pimpin, get to cleaning, said his mummy. Oh, this is no fun at all, but I can make it fun. Pimpin started spinning and flipping around his room as he cleaned up. That's my boy, said his mummy.

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As the kids arrived back at their house, teddy Winkle smiled Thank you so much, kids. I would have been in a lot of trouble if that went off anywhere else but Pimpin's room. We're happy we can help, said Amelia. Yeah, said Finn, and that was fun. All right, I guess I'll see you next time, he said, as he waved and walked towards the door. Teddy Winkle went outside and closed the door behind him. Just then the kid's mummy came back in. Um, kids, who was that just leaving? Well, said Amelia, I don't think you'd believe us, even if we told you. And that is the end of the story.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode is brought to you by Pimpin' Surprise Boxes, if you have a friend that needs a very messy, big surprise, contact me, the Pimpin' because I can put together any kind of very special, explody surprise that they need. Maybe they need a streamer one or a confetti one, or maybe they need one that is full of jelly. That could get very interesting. Anyway, I hope you've been enjoying the silly stories for kids. Head over to the website for more ways to get involved or to join the family. This has been me, the Pimpin, and me, sam. We'll see you soon.

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