Silly Stories for Kids

๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’ƒ Dancebot 7000 ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿค–

โ€ข Samuel Ramsden

What happens when a toy robot, three adventurous boys, and a purple alien collide? ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿš€ Get ready for a dance-tastic adventure as Hamish, Charlie, and Tom discover the Dancebot 7000! With flashing lights and unstoppable moves, this wacky gadget turns their quiet neighborhood into a non-stop dance party! ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’ก But when their new alien friend, Bim Bim, joins the fun, things get even sillier! Can they control the chaos before Mom finds out? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคฃ

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Speaker 1:

One day three little kids named Hamish, charlie and Tom were all sitting at home. Now they were in the toy room and they were going through their normal toys looking for which one they would play with next when all of a sudden Charlie pulled something out of the middle. Hey, where did this toy come from? He said I don't know, said Hamish, I've never seen it before. What is it? Said Tom. As Charlie lifted the toy out from the middle of all the other toys, they could see it was some kind of funny looking robot. Oh, this looks like fun. What do you want to play? Let's play Robot Battle Destruction, said Hamish. Good idea. So they picked up the robot and they started to roll it out into the middle of the room. Hey, look, it's got some kind of button in the middle, said Charlie. So the boys decided they should definitely push the button. They placed the robot in the middle of the floor and then Tom reached down and pressed the button in the middle of the robot. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Wow, said Hamish, it's making noises. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Wow, said Hamish, it's making noises and look there's lights. Hey, it's, it's got eyes, said Tom.

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I am dance bot 7000. It said dance bot. What does that mean? I like to dance, watch me. It said. And all of a sudden the robot started dancing around the room. The boy thought it was funny at first as it wiggled and it shook and it did all these funny, crazy little dance moves. Then all of a sudden the dancing got a little bit out of control. I am the best dancer in the whole world. Watch this Dance, dance, dance. And as the DanceBot 7000 started to dance, it began to start knocking things over. Uh-oh, said Tom. Quick, grab it. Hamish tried to race over to grab it. No, can't catch Dancebot, said Dancebot. As Dancebot started to dance and wiggle and roll around on the ground. Then all of a sudden its arms started to change. They went from normal robot arms into helicopter propeller robot arms. All of a sudden it lifted into the air and it was still dancing. As it was dancing around the room, it was knocking over more and more things. It was knocking things off shelves and onto the floor and it was crashing into all the places within the room.

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The boys decided that they needed to do something. We've got to catch this thing, said Hamish. Yes, said Charlie. But how? Um work together, said Tom. So as they were running around the room, they chased and chased and then Tom dove across and pressed the button in the middle of dance bot. Dance bot dropped down to the ground. Whoa, said the boys. What just happened? You meant dance, but, said a voice. Who said that? Said the boys.

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All of a sudden, out from behind one of the doors stepped a purple, fuzzy creature. Hello, it is me, the bim. The Bim Bim, said Bim Bim. Um, bim Bim, where did you come from? Well, I see that you have found my dance bot. Yeah, said the boys, it was wrecking our room, I know, isn't he so much fun? Said Bim Bim. Let's go put him somewhere else. Uh, no, said the boys, don't do that. Come on, said Bim Bim. As he picked up dance bot and ran out of the toy room, pimpim yelled the boys, come back here.

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Pimpim raced out the front door and put Dancebot down on the ground. You should see him dance outside. Okay, dancebot, go dance him on. Pimpim pressed the button on Dancebot again. I am Dancebot 7000. And I am the Pimpim. Hello, dancebot, can I dance with you? Ah, okay, the Pimpim, said Dancebot. And Pimpim and Dancebot started dancing in the middle of the street. Well, at least he's outside, said Hamish, he can't cause too much trouble. Yeah, said Charlie, he can't knock anything over out here. Pimpin said Dancebot, yes, dancebot, can you press my overdrive button? Oh, overdrive, said Pimpin. No, pimpin, that sounds like a bad idea, said Tom, no, that sounds like a very fun dancey idea. Ok, dance overdrive, here we go. Pimpin reached across and pressed a button on Dancebot's shoulder. All of a sudden, something very strange happened.

Speaker 2:

Dancebot into overdrive. Psh, psh, psh, psh, psh, psh, psh psh.

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As the boys were watching, dancebot got bigger and bigger and bigger and all of a sudden on his shoulders appeared two giant speakers and on his feet appeared some roller skates. Then flashing lights started coming out of a belt on his waist.

Speaker 2:

Dancebot 7000 into overdrive.

Speaker 1:

The boys were running around. What do we do now, yelled Tom, I don't know. Said Charlie, this is getting out of control. Oh, dear, said Hamish. What do we do now, yelled Tom. Oh no, said Charlie, this is getting out of control. Oh dear said Hamish, what have we done? We have made the best dance party ever. Said Bim Bam. Hey, dance Bot, can I come do the dancing?

Speaker 2:

Bim Bam can come for Dance Bot dance party in overdrive.

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Dance Bot started doing break dancing, but not your normal kind of break dancing, it was break everything kind of dancing. He started dancing around in the middle of the street, kicking over cars, flattening letterboxes, crashing into trees. The boys were very, very worried, but Pimpin was very, very excited. I can do it, said Pimpin. Look at me, ok.

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Pimpin was trying to copy the dance moves of Dancebot. He was bumping into things as well and yelling at the top of his voice. I am the Pimpin, I have all the dance moves. Went Dancebot. Oh dear, said the boys. How are we ever going to stop this thing? Uh um, I don't know, said Charlie. Me either, said Tom. We are in big trouble, said Hamish. They watched as Pimpin and Dancebot went dancing off down the street knocking over everything. All right, said Charlie. I think the first thing that we've got to do is try and catch him Quick. Grab the bikes. So the boys all grabbed their bikes and started riding off down the street after Pimpim and Dancebot. As they were getting closer, they could hear all the cars tooting their horns. I wonder what's happening, said Tom. As they got closer, there was Dancebot in the middle of the road with lots and lots of cars trying to go through the middle of the intersection and Pimpin and Dancebot were doing something ridiculous. I am Dancebot.

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I can do funny dances Watch me dance, said Dancebot, as he started spinning on his head. Pimpin was trying to stand on Dancebot's feet as he was spinning on his head. Pimpin was trying to stand on DanceBot's feet as he was spinning around in circles. I am the Pimpin. Watch me do the spinning dance. I do the spinning dance on the spinning robot, said Pimpin, and Pimpin tried to spin around on DanceBot's spinning feet. It was very ridiculous. The cars were all stopped and tooting their horns. Let us through. Yeah, I've got to get to work. Come on out the way, yelled a lady from her car. Oh dear, said the boys. Well, at least we've caught up to them. What should we do? Ah, I reckon we need to try and press one of those buttons on DanceBot. Good idea, said Charlie, let's go. So the boys rode their bikes and tried to sneak in close to DanceB. They got closer. Dancebot's eyes lit up like disco balls.

Speaker 2:

You are trying to stop Dancebot. No, I will turn on extra dance mode, said Dancebot.

Speaker 1:

And as he said it, the music got louder, the lights got flashier and the disco ball eyes started to spin around in circles. As they did. Sparkly light went everywhere through the intersection. What is going on? Said Tom. And as the sparkly light hit the people in their cars, something strange began to happen. They turned off their cars and they got out and they started to dance. In no time at all, all the people from all the cars were in the middle of the intersection dancing with the DanceBot 7000 and with Pim Pim. The boys looked Quick, cover your eyes, said Tom. I brought some sunglasses, said Charlie. Tom, hamish and Charlie all put on their sunglasses to stop themselves being hit by the special dance mode sparkles. As they watched, they tried to decide what to do. All right, we need to get closer. I think I can see the button, said Charlie. All right, said Tom, give it a go. Charlie tried to sneak in past all the sparkly lights. He got close enough to Thank goodness, said the boys when?

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Ultra extra overdrive engaged yelled Dancebot. Mega Dancebot.

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All of a sudden Dancebot got bigger again. Then his feet opened up and tiny little Dancebots started coming out from his feet In no time at all. There were Dancebots everywhere there was. How many are there? Said Tom? I think there'sbots 7,000, yelled dancebot.

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Watch me do headstand Dancebot started spinning around. Hello, it is me, the Pimpin. I'm going to dance with all the dancebots at the same time. Okay, dancey bodies, okay, come over here, yelled Pimpin, and all the little dancebots moved over to where Pimpin was. What have we done, said the boys. I think we've activated the most dangerous dance bot in the whole entire world.

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The boys were shaking their heads and very confused. I don't know what to do, said Tom. Me either, said Charlie. Oh dear, said Hamish. I guess maybe we just dance. Okay, said the boys. So they started to dance, along with all the tiny little dance bots and all the people from the cars and Pim Pim and the DanceBot, 7000. As they all danced together, it was so much fun, and the more that they danced, the more people came out of their houses. In no time at all, all the people from all the houses around were coming out and there was a giant dance party in the middle of the street. Just then the boys could hear some sirens Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do, uh-oh, they said, is that two police cars pulled up at the intersection? Now we're really in trouble, said Hamish.

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As the police officers got out of their car, they started walking towards the chaos. What is going on here, said one of the police officers. Yeah, you can't block the intersection like this. Do you have a permit? The kids looked Uh-oh, what happens now? What is going on? Yelled one of the police officers. This is crazy.

Speaker 1:

The boys looked and there was Pimpin standing in the middle of the chaos. His eyes got really big, so big that they almost looked like disco balls. And then he said something. Did somebody say crazy? Pimp Pimp started spinning around, blasting off everything. But as he went ridiculously crazy, he started bumping into all the tiny little dance bots and as he did he was bouncing them in different directions. They'd bounce off cars and chairs and all sorts of things until they ended up back inside the dance bot's shoe.

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In no time at all, pimp Pimp had somehow rounded up all of the dance bots back into the giant dance bot's shoe, said Pimpin. And as he went he spun around dance bot. He spun and he spun. And as dance bot was spinning, trying to watch Pimpin, it looked like is dance bot getting dizzy? Said Hamish. I think so. Said Charlie, keep going, said Pimpin, let's keep yelling it. Hey, pimpin crazy. Did somebody say double crazy. Woo, said Pimpin. It was insane.

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And as he was spinning Dancebot seemed to get overly dizzy and then he fell to the ground. Now's our chance, yelled the boys. They raced in and started pressing every button they could on DanceBot. As they pressed, some things made him bigger, some things made him smaller, some things made him spin really, really fast, and some things seemed to turn the music up to 11 until eventually he turned back into a little toy robot. What just happened, said tom. I don't know, said charlie, but we better get out of here quick, grab dance bot. So they quickly scooped up dance bot and started running off down the street back towards their house.

Speaker 1:

As they were running, all the people from the cars were starting to come back to their senses. They were looking at each other with very funny faces. Um, I wasn't just dancing in the middle of the street, was I? No, I wasn't either, said another lady. I was, said, one of the kids from one of the cars. It was fun. The police looked around and they helped everybody back into their cars and then looked around to try and see where the purple, fuzzy creature had gone. But for some reason he had disappeared as well. The boys quickly raced back home.

Speaker 1:

Hey, there's one more button on the back of this thing that we didn't press. Oh, I don't think we should press it, said Tom, um maybe. Said Hamish, look what it says. It says it's the fix it button. Said Charlie, do we try? Pimpim appeared in front of the boys. Yes, you should definitely press the fix it button. Should we trust you, pimpim? Well, most often no, but this time it would definitely be helpful. Okay, they said so. Charlie pressed the fix it button on the back of the dance bot.

Speaker 2:

Fix it bot 27,000, said dance Bot.

Speaker 1:

Fix it Bot 27,000, said Dance Bot, fix it, bot. Then he started zooming around in every direction, going back to everything that he'd broken and knocked over and putting it all back together. In less than three seconds he had blasted around the entire neighbourhood and repaired everything that he had destroyed. Then he flew back to the boys who caught him, and then he powered down. The boys walked back in their front door, they waved goodbye to Pimpin and as they walked into the lounge room, their mum was standing there. Wow, boys. She said that is a really cool looking toy. What does it do? Well, said Hamish, I don't think you'd believe me, even if I told you.

Speaker 2:

And that is the kind of dancing machine we have disco ball, whoa, whoa, whoa and all the flashing lights DanceBot, dancebot. We hope you have enjoyed the silly stories for kids. Make sure to leave a review wherever you find your podcast and share it with all of your friends. This has been me.

Speaker 1:

DanceBot and me. Sam, We'll see you soon.

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